Thursday, April 9, 2009

25 Questions - Sliced and Diced

The 25 questions in my previous post appear in the order that they came to me. I then copied this list and sorted them by what I saw as the four main topics. The questions that I have prioritized under My Goals and The Land would be my 10 most important questions.

My Goals:

Will I find a successful alternative to working behind a desk every day?

Do I have what it takes to be a published writer?

How will I reprioritize my life so that I have more time to spend doing a few things deeply instead of doing too many things shallowly?

Will I give up everything and move to New Mexico?

The Land:

How will our wetlands fare through 2009?

What will be the next invasive plant I have to deal with?

Have I eliminated the Dame's Rocket and Garlic Mustard from the front woods?

Will I ever take the plunge and raise my own chickens and/or goats?

Will the local food movement change the way we grow our food and eat, or is it just a passing fad?

Will my husband and I be able to preserve what we have done on our land forever?

The Future:

Will President Obama be successful in changing this country for the better?

Will my employer have enough money to last until the end of April?

Will I lose my job as a result of the economic downturn?

Will the weather this spring be favorable for garden center businesses?

Will my son and his fiancé have a long and happy marriage?

Will my daughter find someone to share her life with?

Will my children be happy and satisfied as adults?

How long will my older lab live, and will I have to deal with her death on my own?

How long will I be able to garden as I do now?


Will my husband's faith be in tune with mine?

What would my mother think of my children all grown up?

Will people in America ever stop being so deeply divided on so many issues?

Trivial Stuff:

Will my favorite public radio station get their antenna replaced soon so that their signal improves?

Will I maintain my #1 position in the NCAA pool?

Will the Cubs ever win the World Series?

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