One of the things that I resent about my job is that, just as things are starting to pop in the garden, things at the office are exploding and I have such limited time in the garden. But I did get a chance to get out today and see a few things.
A couple of years ago we planted a white garden behind our firepit area. I've been surprised to find that I really like working with this very limited color palette. The first year that we had the garden, I made a very, very brief stop at a garden center that was almost out of spring bulbs. I grabbed some all-white daffodils, white hyacinths and white tulips - variety unknown. I had very small numbers and spread them sparingly through the garden. I've been surprised to see that the small numbers of bright white flowers make as much impact as some larger displays.
One combination that I've really liked is Fothergilla 'Mt. Airy', Artemisia 'Nana' and the white tulips.
Over in another area, Papaver 'Ruffled Patty' is getting ready to bloom. I read somewhere that the flowerbuds of Papavers are very frequently photographed, and I understand why.
Purple silk unfurls
Emerging from flowerbud
Beauty a-borning
"Petals open wide
ReplyDeletewhite tulips turn to the sun
gloss on sturdy stems"
I'm sure I'm breaking Haiku rules here :-)