Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year, A New Math

We have made a joint resolution for 2011 that we will buy no new "stuff" this year, and we have included plants in our definition of stuff. So this year's garden math will be focused on subtraction instead of addition, division instead of multiplication.

The front beds really will benefit from being thinned, and I think that if I am forced to work with what I have, I will be more judicious in my plantings. I must confess that sometimes I've taken somewhat of a "Throw it all in and see what sticks" approach. A little planning certainly is not a bad thing.

I'll close with one of the last sunrises of 2010.

Sunrise 12-29-10

It was a keeper!


  1. The sunrise shot is just lovely. It's my very favorite time of day, after all! And I heard a great interview on NPR with the chef in charge of Fannie's last meal. That the kitchen was well in excess of 100F, really got my attention... "the good ol' days" weren't really that good, were they?

  2. I can relate to your wanting to not buy any more "stuff" including extra new plants. One of the things I have been thinking about and will write about on an upcoming posting is the need to edit our gardens and the spaces in them. Too much, too many, and the place looks like it has "horticultural diarrhea". Not a pleasant thought! You will see this and other ideas form here at the lake on the blog: gardensatwaterseast.blogspot.com/ Thanks for your blog. Jack
